Julie Gallott and Nikki Warren (Beach Haven)
Cath Hinds and Vanesa Cutfield (Belmont Park)
Rochelle Pattinson and Louise Morris (Mairangi Bay)
Suzanne Jackson (Milford) and Katie Miller (Greenhithe)
Mandy Dolan and Kay Luv (Mairangi Bay)
Toni Jones and Kara Morrison (Milford)
Louise Hodson and Gina Wilton (Northcote)
Jacquie Mockridge and Natalie McKay (Ngataringa)
Whina Everett and Justine Hall (Waimauku)
Tracy O'Connor and Katie Visser (Milford)
Karen Driessen and Nicole Taylor (Northcote)
Kay Leydon and Kim Ash (Campbells Bay)
Tomoko Akiyama and Jillian Cavan (Lake Pupuke)
Teresa Williams (pictured) and Lavinia Sorenson (Whangaparaoa)
Karen Collins and Hyun Joo Kim (Campbells Bay)
Sue Gwyther and Jo Robertson (Northcote)
Jana Malechova and Camilla Campbell Cree (Belmont Park)
Joya Kevey and Soon George (Campbells Bay)
Diane Ponzio and Janine Jones (Ngataringa)
Antoinette Pollard and Lottie Matteucci (Helensville/Castor Bay)
Shiree Clifton and Emily Somerville-Ryan (Belmont Park 2)
Brigide Jensen and Sue Willis (Milford/Takapuna)
Sharron Price and Sue Stanaway (Milford/Takapuna)
Arlene Meder and Sonya Northgrave (Ngataringa)
Dani Marshall and Lizzie Philip (Lake Pupuke)
Kim Lin and Linda Xu (Mairangi Bay)
Anastasia Trinder and Gail Lyons (Ngataringa)
Katie Bremner and Dorothy Charles (Lake Pupuke)
Megan Wood and Kate Dutton (Northcote 1)
Anna Kim (Mairangi Bay) and Charlotte Reynolds (Waimauku)
Deborah Mew and Lucy Whineray (Northcote 2)
Kaley Zhu and Peili Picard (Mairangi Bay)